'; print '

UE-COG - UniRef-Enriched COG Database

'; print "
[BACK]"; print '
'; ### setting db connection $conexao=mysql_connect("localhost","gabriel","biodados"); if ($conexao==0) echo "Conexao ao servidor nao estabelecida!

"; $selecao=mysql_select_db("ue_cog",$conexao); if($selecao==0) echo "Conexao ao banco de dados nao estabelecida!

"; ///-----------------imprime o título----------------// print ''; print'


'; print ""; ### get description #### $get_description = mysql_query("select descricao from cog_ident where cog_num=\"$cog_num\";"); $description = mysql_fetch_row($get_description); ### Pk $get_cog_list_pk = mysql_query("select ident,org from edited_cog_fun_desc where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class<5 and valida!=5 group by ident;"); $get_uecog_list_pk = mysql_query("select recruited,taxid_d from redund_fun_ok where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" group by recruited order by taxid_d;"); ### A $get_cog_list_a = mysql_query("select ident,org from edited_cog_fun_desc where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class=0 and valida!=5 group by ident;"); $get_uecog_list_a = mysql_query("select recruited,taxid_d from redund_fun_ok where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class_d = 0 group by recruited order by taxid_d;"); ### B $get_cog_list_b = mysql_query("select ident,org from edited_cog_fun_desc where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and (bac_class>0 and bac_class<5) and valida!=5 group by ident;"); $get_uecog_list_b = mysql_query("select recruited,taxid_d from redund_fun_ok where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class_d >0 group by recruited order by taxid_d;"); ### Ac $get_cog_list_ac = mysql_query("select ident,org from edited_cog_fun_desc where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class=1 and valida!=5 group by ident;"); $get_uecog_list_ac = mysql_query("select recruited,taxid_d from redund_fun_ok where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class_d = 1 group by recruited order by taxid_d;"); ### Fm $get_cog_list_fm = mysql_query("select ident,org from edited_cog_fun_desc where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class=2 and valida!=5 group by ident;"); $get_uecog_list_fm = mysql_query("select recruited,taxid_d from redund_fun_ok where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class_d = 2 and valida!=5 group by recruited order by taxid_d;"); ### Pb $get_cog_list_pb = mysql_query("select ident,org from edited_cog_fun_desc where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class=3 and valida!=5 group by ident;"); $get_uecog_list_pb = mysql_query("select recruited,taxid_d from redund_fun_ok where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class_d = 3 group by recruited order by taxid_d;"); ### Ot $get_cog_list_ot = mysql_query("select ident,org from edited_cog_fun_desc where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class=4 and valida!=5 group by ident;"); $get_uecog_list_ot = mysql_query("select recruited,taxid_d from redund_fun_ok where cog_num=\"$cog_num\" and bac_class_d = 4 group by recruited order by taxid_d;"); #$n_results_pk = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_pk) + mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_pk); #$n_results_a = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_a) + mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_a); #$n_results_b = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_b) + mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_b); #$n_results_ac = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_ac) + mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_ac); #$n_results_fm = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_fm) + mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_fm); #$n_results_pb = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_pb) + mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_pb); #$n_results_ot = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_ot) + mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_ot); $n_results_pk_cog = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_pk); $n_results_a_cog = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_a); $n_results_b_cog = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_b); $n_results_ac_cog = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_ac); $n_results_fm_cog = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_fm); $n_results_pb_cog = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_pb); $n_results_ot_cog = mysql_num_rows($get_cog_list_ot); $n_max_cog = max($n_results_pk_cog, $n_results_a_cog, $n_results_b_cog, $n_results_ac_cog, $n_results_fm_cog, $n_results_pb_cog, $n_results_ot_cog); $n_results_pk_uecog = mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_pk); $n_results_a_uecog = mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_a); $n_results_b_uecog = mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_b); $n_results_ac_uecog = mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_ac); $n_results_fm_uecog = mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_fm); $n_results_pb_uecog = mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_pb); $n_results_ot_uecog = mysql_num_rows($get_uecog_list_ot); $n_max_uecog = max($n_results_pk_uecog, $n_results_a_uecog, $n_results_b_uecog, $n_results_ac_uecog, $n_results_fm_uecog, $n_results_pb_uecog, $n_results_ot_uecog); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " "; //echo "$n_max
\n"; #print "$n_max_cog"; for ($i=0 ; $i<$n_max_cog ; $i++ ) { echo "\n"; echo ""; if ($n_results_pk_cog > $i){ $cog_list_pk = mysql_fetch_array($get_cog_list_pk,MYSQL_ASSOC); $get_cog_uniprot_pk = mysql_query("select UniProt_ac from cog where ident = \"$cog_list_pk[ident]\""); $cog_uniprot_pk = mysql_fetch_row($get_cog_uniprot_pk); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_a_cog > $i){ $cog_list_a = mysql_fetch_array($get_cog_list_a,MYSQL_ASSOC); $get_cog_uniprot_a = mysql_query("select UniProt_ac from cog where ident = \"$cog_list_a[ident]\""); $cog_uniprot_a = mysql_fetch_row($get_cog_uniprot_a); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_b_cog > $i){ $cog_list_b = mysql_fetch_array($get_cog_list_b,MYSQL_ASSOC); $get_cog_uniprot_b = mysql_query("select UniProt_ac from cog where ident = \"$cog_list_b[ident]\""); $cog_uniprot_b = mysql_fetch_row($get_cog_uniprot_b); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_ac_cog > $i){ $cog_list_ac = mysql_fetch_array($get_cog_list_ac,MYSQL_ASSOC); $get_cog_uniprot_ac = mysql_query("select UniProt_ac from cog where ident = \"$cog_list_ac[ident]\""); $cog_uniprot_ac = mysql_fetch_row($get_cog_uniprot_ac); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_fm_cog > $i){ $cog_list_fm = mysql_fetch_array($get_cog_list_fm,MYSQL_ASSOC); $get_cog_uniprot_fm = mysql_query("select UniProt_ac from cog where ident = \"$cog_list_fm[ident]\""); $cog_uniprot_fm = mysql_fetch_row($get_cog_uniprot_fm); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_pb_cog > $i){ $cog_list_pb = mysql_fetch_array($get_cog_list_pb,MYSQL_ASSOC); $get_cog_uniprot_pb = mysql_query("select UniProt_ac from cog where ident = \"$cog_list_pb[ident]\""); $cog_uniprot_pb = mysql_fetch_row($get_cog_uniprot_pb); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_ot_cog > $i){ $cog_list_ot = mysql_fetch_array($get_cog_list_ot,MYSQL_ASSOC); $get_cog_uniprot_ot = mysql_query("select UniProt_ac from cog where ident = \"$cog_list_ot[ident]\""); $cog_uniprot_ot = mysql_fetch_row($get_cog_uniprot_ot); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } echo " "; } echo "

UE-COG composition for $cog_num


COG Distribution

Pk ($n_results_pk_cog)A ($n_results_a_cog)B ($n_results_b_cog)Ac ($n_results_ac_cog)Fm ($n_results_fm_cog)Pb ($n_results_pb_cog)Ot ($n_results_ot_cog)
"; print ''.$cog_list_pk["ident"].'
'; #print ''.$cog_list_pk["ident"].'
'; echo "
"; print $cog_list_pk['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$cog_list_a["ident"].'
'; #print ''.$cog_list_a["ident"].'
'; echo "
"; print $cog_list_a['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$cog_list_b["ident"].'
'; #print ''.$cog_list_b["ident"].'
'; echo "
"; print $cog_list_b['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$cog_list_ac["ident"].'
'; echo "
"; print $cog_list_ac['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$cog_list_fm["ident"].'
'; echo "
"; print $cog_list_fm['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$cog_list_pb["ident"].'
'; echo "
"; print $cog_list_pb['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$cog_list_ot["ident"].'
'; echo "
"; print $cog_list_ot['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " "; for ($i=0 ; $i<$n_max_uecog ; $i++ ) { echo " \n"; if ($n_results_pk_uecog > $i){ $uecog_list_pk = mysql_fetch_array($get_uecog_list_pk,MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_a_uecog > $i){ $uecog_list_a = mysql_fetch_array($get_uecog_list_a,MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_b_uecog > $i){ $uecog_list_b = mysql_fetch_array($get_uecog_list_b,MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_ac_uecog > $i){ $uecog_list_ac = mysql_fetch_array($get_uecog_list_ac,MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_fm_uecog > $i){ $uecog_list_fm = mysql_fetch_array($get_uecog_list_fm,MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_pb_uecog > $i){ $uecog_list_pb = mysql_fetch_array($get_uecog_list_pb,MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } if ($n_results_ot_uecog > $i){ $uecog_list_ot = mysql_fetch_array($get_uecog_list_ot,MYSQL_ASSOC); echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } echo " "; } echo "

UE-COG Enrichment

Pk ($n_results_pk_uecog)A ($n_results_a_uecog)B ($n_results_b_uecog)Ac ($n_results_ac_uecog)Fm ($n_results_fm_uecog)Pb ($n_results_pb_uecog)Ot ($n_results_ot_uecog)
UniRef IDTaxIDUniRef IDTaxIDUniRef IDTaxIDUniRef IDTaxIDUniRef IDTaxIDUniRef IDTaxIDUniRef IDTaxID
"; print ''.$uecog_list_pk["recruited"].'
'; echo "
"; print ''.$uecog_list_pk['taxid_d'].''; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$uecog_list_a["recruited"].'
'; echo "
"; print ''.$uecog_list_a['taxid_d'].''; #print $uecog_list_a['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$uecog_list_b["recruited"].'
'; echo "
"; print ''.$uecog_list_b['taxid_d'].''; #print $uecog_list_b['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$uecog_list_ac["recruited"].'
'; echo "
"; print ''.$uecog_list_ac['taxid_d'].''; #print $uecog_list_ac['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$uecog_list_fm["recruited"].'
'; echo "
"; print ''.$uecog_list_fm['taxid_d'].''; #print $uecog_list_fm['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$uecog_list_pb["recruited"].'
'; echo "
"; print ''.$uecog_list_pb['taxid_d'].''; # print $uecog_list_pb['taxid_d']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; print ''.$uecog_list_ot["recruited"].'
'; echo "
"; print ''.$uecog_list_ot['taxid_d'].''; # print $uecog_list_ot['org']; echo ""; echo " "; echo ""; echo " "; echo "
"; ?>